•Super Guys Inc. is a responsible member of the communities where we operate and do business.

•We are active and regularly donate a portion of profits to the Police & Fire Charities.

•We are responsive & care about out community and the inhabitants by working with local businesses to raise awareness about pressing local issues such as the growing homeless problem in Hollywood (raise money, collect food & essentials…).

•We believe in paying our associates a living wage.

•We believe in paying our bills on time; and paying as we go.

•We believe in paying our fair share of taxes so that everyone can enjoy a society that allows people to thrive… 

•We do not believe we are entitled to success;

•We believe each day gives us an opportunity to work towards achieving our Goals & Dreams.

•We believe that only when you strive for excellence can you achieve excellence…

•Ultimately, we believe in team work; that we Succeed or Fail, Together.